Humint Events Online: Fucking Zombie Warmongers --Beating the Drums of War with Iran

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fucking Zombie Warmongers --Beating the Drums of War with Iran

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick of this shit:

Makes me want to scream. If war seems really likely, we must ALL take to the streets.

Somewhat reassuring, at least some in the administration are skeptical.

But together with this video, it seems that Washington DC is only good at two things-- starting wars, and helping the elites at the expense of ordinary citizens:

Diane Feinstein (Sen.- war party), says US is on a collision course with Iran.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is enough literature around to suggest that these invasions were envisaged a long time ago and it is not a matter of "if" but "when".

History suggests that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States will not be immune because they are friends of the West and have something the US wants - just like Osama, Saddam, Hosni Mubarak, and more recently Muammar Ghaddafi.

I contend that the difficulty faced by those of us that can still think a bit for ourselves revolves around overcoming or countering the memes with which "We the Sheeple" have been brainwashed.

OWS has the potential to contain such a meme but I fear it could lose focus and turn into a directionless series of angry protests as those who want to add other agendas and motives to the OWS movement are drawn to the protests. And that says nothing for the deliberate infiltration of the movement by provocateurs and nutters employed to hasten the imposition of yet more societal control.

I think that the solution for the 99% lies in a very simple meme that can 'go viral' before it can be controlled.

The key would seem to be to get to the 100th monkey before anyone realises its happened and thereby cement the meme into the collective human consciousness.

For what it's worth, three thoughts are:

1) If all the debt that is so much of a problem around the world was created by banks out of thin air via a journal entry in an accounting system, it can be reversed just as quickly.

Therefore, the whole world's debt can be written off the banks books with the stroke of a pen and there is no need for more bailout BS. I don’t care how many people scream “you can’t do that” because they should have been that vocal when the debt was created out of thin air. Who misses out?; only those who stood to make money from nothing - and it's time to be clear that usuary has had its day.

The new meme: Write it off! Write it off!.

2) Throughout life we are told that bullying is not tolerated and that we are meant to stand up to bullies because they are really cowards at heart.

The USA (and its allies) is the bully gang in the world playground and what are we doing about it? Feeling powerless and guilty about doing absolutely nothing each time another kid-country is beaten up!

The new meme: Bring all the soldiers back home and say "sorry for hurting you kid-country" before asking how we can make it right, and then making it right the way THEY want. (There may be too many rednecks, racists and brainwashed victims for this to take hold quickly so it probably needs refinement)

3) The most difficult situation to overcome relates to the entrenched psychopathic control of nearly every aspect of our daily lives through HAARP, EMF's and shock and awe geotechnic control; MSM and entertainment; Big Pharma and pandemics; Big Food and GMO's; rigged vote counts at elections and politicians purchased with campaign contributions; Big Brother surveillance; black budgets etc etc.

Too many peasant level jobs are tied up in all of these controlled activities to get instant peasant buyin for change unless a whole new infrastructure is ready for them to walk into because the peasants still require beneficent leadership.

Once we get to this point, I think some form of divine intervention may be the only way to a rapid and peaceful outcome. Whether that comes from AP's Quarantiners or spaceships following a red dwarf into the solar system I care not a jot because one way or another, the 100th monkey will be reached in time to save the planet from the psychopathic self proclaimed aristocratic elite.

2:42 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

I'm not sure what the 100th monkey refers to, but I certainly tend to agree with everything else you wrote.

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In his book "The Hundredth Monkey", Ken Keyes used the story of Japanese monkeys learning to wash sweet potatoes as a sort of parable about mobilising public awareness about the horrific consequences of nuclear war for people and the planet.

The monkeys washing sweet potatoes story relates observations about how learned behaviours gained hold within a monkey troop.

The final part of the story suggested that when sufficient individuals had learned the new behaviour, a critical mass was reached that allowed all other monkeys of that species to be instantly aware of the information through their collective consciousness.

There is enough written to suggest that the original research may have been extrapolated a bit too far to make this suggestion but I haven't seen the original Japanese research reports or read the versions of the story prior to Keyes retelling of it.

I however like the concept where the work of the pioneering few to raise awareness amongst the sheeple can reach a tipping point which produces a 'flashover' in mass understanding and think it is applicable to trying to prevent the disasters we see on the horizon.

Otherwise, we're all banging our heads against a brick wall in a frustrating and futile crusade which has no chance of success because brainwashed slaves are born faster than they can be unplugged from the matrix.

4:14 PM  

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