Humint Events Online: 9/11 -- Synthetic Terror

Monday, February 07, 2005

9/11 -- Synthetic Terror

I have started reading the new book "9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA" by Webster Tarpley.

So far, it is excellent. I think it is easily the best of the four books I have listed in my "Recommended Reading" section on the right side of the blog. Ruppert's book is the second best, in my opinion. Tarpley's book is more readable than Ruppert's and he doesn't talk at all about Peak Oil. His writing style is a little more lively and not so self-centered as Ruppert's. Griffin's book is good, but is mostly a simple introduction to 9/11 and alternative interpretations. Hopsicker's book is fun, but has a lot of problems, as I have documented previously.

What Tarpley does an especially great job at is bringing a historical perpective to the 9/11 attacks and showing how state-sponsored terrorism against the state is not new. Tarpley is an expert on the state-sponsored (synthetic) terror that went on in Germany and Italy during the 1970's and 1980's. Tarpley is also an expert on the Bush family, and is renowned for his unauthorized biography of George H. W. Bush.

The beginning is wonderful, as he completely eviscerates the 9/11 Independent Commission. This is just a small sample:
"For the Hamilton-Kean Commission is not a contribution to scholarly debate. It is just as much a part of the US government's assault on the world as an F-16 bombing Fallujah. For the Hamilton-Kean Commission is an act of ideological terrorism worthy of Senator Joe McCarthy."

I skipped into the middle and read over Tarpley's sections on the Pentagon hit and flight 93. There he has nothing really new-- it is the same info you can get from many websites. But Tarpley does a beautiful job with the "big picture" and he has clearly done a tremendous amnount of research on 9/11.

It's a substantial book, and I have just started reading it. I will update my thoughts as I progres through the book. I might as well try to review it, since the book will no doubt be ignored by the mainstream media.


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