Humint Events Online: He Grabbed My Gun!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

He Grabbed My Gun!

Seriously, isn't that the oldest and lamest excuse given by a cop for shooting someone, ever?

I think that this is a more likely scenario.

I think Wilson pointed a gun in Brown's face... I think Wilson's intention was to scare Brown into following his orders, so he grabbed Brown and pulled out his gun to make his point stronger. Like any other human being, Brown reacted to a gun being in his face, trying to escape or at least keep the muzzle pointed somewhere else. During the struggle, the gun goes off by accident, injuring Brown, but surprising Wilson at the same time, allowing Brown to break free and make a break for it.

And the cop madness continues...  watch the video... just fucking INSANITY.

UPDATE: Here's a more clearly ludicrous example of a cop claiming that the victim grabbed his gun, hands handcuffed behind his back.

My original point, was that this is a typical excuse for cops shooting someone without good provocation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

""so he grabbed Brown and pulled out his gun to make his point stronger""

nonsense. according to several witnesses (who were black no less), thug life brown (300+ lbs) socked wilson in the face thru the car's open window after wilson ordered brown and his thug life pal to get on the sidewalk.
there are photos of the sock mark on wilson's face.
grand jurys aren't stupid.

so now we have al sharpton et al and the media making the protests an isolated black/white thing, thus distracting the mundanes from the real issue of police brutality in general. did the media report on the recent instance of a black cop in utah shooting an unarmed white man? no.

2:50 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

That is certainly the right-wing spin on this incident, but I think it's nonsense. It makes no sense that Brown would start a fight with a cop like that. And the Utah killing is bad, but there's no hint it was racially motivated.

9:37 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Also, the Grand Jury is not to be trusted, given how biased the prosecutor was and how badly they managed the witnesses.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

right wing spin. ya. does it occur to you that your version of this event might be courtesy of left wing spin? notice that the current left wing media that has it's collective lips firmly planted on the ass of the obama administration is the exact same media as the previous right wing media that had it's collective lips firmly planted onto the ass of the bush administration.
there are a great many of us that despise the entire left vs. right charade.

also, just prior to the wilson/brown incident, thug life brown was captured on video assaulting a tiny store clerk while in the process of robbing said store.

the Utah killing is bad, but there's no hint it was racially motivated

there was no hint that the brown/wilson affair was racially motivated either until the left wing media promoted their own spin on it.

10:35 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

what part is left-wing spin exactly? There's a history of racism, there's a history of racist cops, there's a history of racist justice systems and Wilson's story is a joke.

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what part is left wing spin?
how about the whole *poor mikey brown is lil' miss sunshine and his shit don't stink and official evil whitey guy woke up and said to himself, "gonna kill me some nigs today!" meme.*
remember when obviously guilty OJ was exonerated by a "jury of his peers"? evil whiteys did not go on a rampage burning their own neighborhoods down under the influence of left/right wing media.
oh remember the occupy protests? the left/right wing media portrayed the protestors (black AND white) as being the devil incarnate - compare that with today's protests du-jour where according to the left/right wing media it seems to be OK for poor downtrodden blackeys to burn their own neighborhoods down, as long as it's evil whiteys fault.
obviously the left/right wing media is using brown and wilson as tools to promote racial unrest which distracts from the fact that modern police are just brutal tools of the uber haves to subjugate the have-nots both white AND black.

i spent a good 10 minutes composing a comment here that disappeared almost immediately upon posting. this replacement comment encompasses less than the original did yet took me at least twice as long to compose.
if it disappears as well then i am done here.

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in your defense, i most likely failed while inputting my first comment - sorry.

fergusen's finest hour!
fast forward to 2:00 to see them at their very finest.

12:38 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

" *poor mikey brown is lil' miss sunshine and his shit don't stink and official evil whitey guy woke up and said to himself, "gonna kill me some nigs today!" meme.*"

I never really heard that, nor have I promoted that. I never claimed MB was a "good guy".

"remember when obviously guilty OJ was exonerated by a "jury of his peers"? evil whiteys did not go on a rampage burning their own neighborhoods down under the influence of left/right wing media."

OJ was a much more complicated case and not really analogous at all. As far as Ferguson being burned, most of the protestors were/are decent peaceful folks. But there are always some bad apples, dumb people who get out of control, but also who the fuck knows if agent provocateurs did the burning and incited damage as well?

"oh remember the occupy protests? the left/right wing media portrayed the protestors (black AND white) as being the devil incarnate"

Actually, I don't remember the left-wing media doing that at all, though depends what you call left-wing.

"compare that with today's protests du-jour where according to the left/right wing media it seems to be OK for poor downtrodden blackeys to burn their own neighborhoods down, as long as it's evil whiteys fault."

I'm not sure what media says this is ok. The point is that the people do have something to protest about, in terms of police evil fuckery.

"obviously the left/right wing media is using brown and wilson as tools to promote racial unrest which distracts from the fact that modern police are just brutal tools of the uber haves to subjugate the have-nots both white AND black. "

I don't see that. I agree "the modern police are just brutal tools of the uber haves to subjugate the have-nots both white AND black", but blacks always get the worst of the deal and have every right to protest about it.

I'm sorry you lost your long comment. That is annoying and happens to all of us.

One thing I recommend is if you write a long comment, save a copy before posting it, so you can paste it in again easily if it doesn't work. This has saved me a fair amount of trouble. I certainly try not to delete or censor comments here unless they contain clearly inflammatory or sick statements or have private info.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

brown was not an innocent kid walking home from school, he was just another thug life punk. if he had been an innocent kid the media would never had reported it because there would be no controversy and no chance to foment racial unrest.
this whole affair is really a non-issue in the great scheme of things. it's just a convenient media excuse to distract from real issues like 9/11, fukushima, chemtrails, gulf oil spill and collapse of the dollar.
speaking of collapse of the dollar, when our money becomes worthless there will be entire armies of thug life bastards kicking people's doors in and taking people's last loaf of bread. where will be the police then? probably busy kicking people's doors down.
forget about thug life brown, he should have stayed in school.

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyway, whitey is just the media's bad guy du-jour.
here is a horror story that the media ignored.
numerous innocent black guys accidently brutalized an evil white boy and girl.
oh the poor underprivaleged minority youths.

8:03 PM  

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